Google's "Plus One" Defeat Facebook Share Button

Google's "Plus One" Defeat Facebook Share Button. as we know now google began vying to advance its customers to use social networking. Now google is famous for its "Google Plus One" where the button is the button that is used by most Internet users today.

Google + Social networking sites rated more popular than Facebook and Twitter. This can be seen from the number of users increased dramatically in late 2011, the number of Google users have reached 62 million + users.

Popularity is supported by a social plugin Google +, "+1" that became part of Google's social networking is.


Button plugin is a social content sharing tool that can be found in various articles, photos, videos, and various other content for use users share information with fellow social network.

To be accessible or readable content many penggunaiInternet, content owners always put social plugins, such as Facebook with the "Share" of his or Google + with the "+1" it.

The latest data are quoted from the statement of Darren Herman, Chief Digital Officer at Media Kitchen, which deal with representatives of media planning and advertising, show that Google + reached 45 percent, followed up 40 per cent, Twitter 15 percent, and AddThis 15 percent, in terms of the use of social plugins for means of sharing content.

Now, more content owners to trust Google's social plugins + to more frequently accessed content. With the Google "+1" also has the potential to improve search rankings on Google. Especially if Google accounts + created a social networking site of a company that wants a top ranking search results on Google.

Popularity Google + beat 19 other e-commerce sites, ie Best Buy, CouponCabin, Sports Authority, LL Bean, Gap, Dicks Sporting Goods, Bed Bath & Beyond, SVPPLY,, Modells, Zappos, Old Navy, Disney, Target , Walmart, Gilt, Sears, Amazon, NewEgg, and Piperlime.

Six months ago, the Facebook plugin are still frequently used than others. However, today plugin "+1" in the Google + already exceeded the popularity of the tweet on Twitter. In fact, the popularity of Google +1 already exceeds the other plugins, including Facebook

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